Celebrate Being Forty and Fabulous: Finding Joy After Infertility Struggles

Celebrate Being Forty and Fabulous: Finding Joy After Infertility Struggles

Jul 22, 2024

Please be advised that this blog article contains content that may be triggering to some readers. Reader discretion is advised as the article discusses sensitive topics that could evoke strong emotional responses.

Turning forty was like reaching a bittersweet milestone in my life.

Society had painted a picture of what parenthood and motherhood should look like, but I found fulfillment in unexpected places. It was a journey of self-discovery and acceptance that led me to explore alternative healing methods.

These unconventional paths opened doors to healing and understanding that went beyond societal norms. Life at forty was about embracing the unconventional, finding joy in the unexpected, and discovering a new sense of purpose.

Who was I without the constant demanding societal role of being a mother? But then, I saw it as an opportunity to finally focus on myself.

I started by exploring different forms of healing modalities such as meditation and mindfulness practices, which helped me manage stress and anxiety in a healthy way. These new habits not only made me feel good about myself but also showed me the importance of self-care and prioritizing my own well-being.

But it wasn't just physical and mental health that I focused on. I also took the time to reconnect with old interests and hobbies that had been put on hold while I was in the darkest moment of my life. I started powerlifting again and I even started a podcast called The WOMBen Collective™ (launching on Sep 1, 2024). It was refreshing to have new experiences and learn new skills outside of my identity as a woman without living children who could not bear children at all.

As a result, I feel like I have rediscovered myself – beyond that label. And while I may still feel so new about this new reality, I make sure to set aside time for myself every day. Whether it's through exercise, meditation or pursuing my passions, this “me” time has become very important for my overall well-being.

I've also learned the importance of setting boundaries and saying no to things that don't align with my values or bring unnecessary stress into my life. This has not only helped me maintain a healthy work-life balance, but it has also allowed me to focus on what truly matters and let go of the rest.

In my reality, I've never experienced parenthood, but I know friends and families, and even clients who are mothers, and I notice how they often feel guilty for taking time for themselves. I've realized that by prioritizing self-care, we are able to show up as a better parent, partner, and friend. I have more patience, energy and positivity to give to those around me when I take care of myself first.

So if you are feeling overwhelmed and burnt out from constantly putting others' needs before your own, I encourage you to take a step back and reevaluate your priorities. Remember that taking care of yourself is not selfish; it is necessary for your overall well-being. And when you are at your best, everyone around you benefits.

The Role of Alternative Healing

We live in a fast-paced and chaotic world, which makes finding inner peace can seem like an impossible task. We are bombarded with stressors from all directions - work, family, finances, relationships - and it can be overwhelming to try and keep up. This constant state of busyness takes a toll on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

That's where alternative healing practices come in. These ancient techniques have been used for centuries to promote balance and harmony within oneself. And in recent years, they have gained even more popularity as people search for natural and holistic ways to improve their quality of life.

For me personally, energy healing and hypnosis have been transformative in my journey towards peace. Energy healing works by channeling the universal life force energy to remove blockages and restore balance within the body. It can help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and even spiritual growth.

On the other hand, hypnosis is a powerful tool for accessing the subconscious mind and reprogramming negative thought patterns. As someone who struggled with anxiety and self-doubt, hypnosis has been a game-changer in helping me overcome my limiting beliefs and live more confidently.

But alternative healing practices aren't just limited to energy healing and hypnosis. There are so many different modalities to explore - from acupuncture to sound therapy to aromatherapy - each offering its own unique benefits.

So if you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck in a rut, I highly recommend giving alternative healing practices a try. They may just open up a whole new world of healing and growth for you. And remember, it's always important to consult with your doctor or assigned licensed professional before trying any new form of therapy or treatment.

One thing I've learned on my own healing journey is that true transformation comes from within. It's about finding what works best for YOU and being open to trying new things.

So don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and give alternative healing practices a chance - you never know how they may positively impact your life. Trust in the process and trust in yourself, and watch as your mind, body, and spirit begin to align in harmony.

Some alternative healing practices you may want to explore include acupuncture, energy healing, sound therapy, Reiki, and herbal medicine. These modalities have been around for centuries and have been proven to help alleviate physical pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote overall well-being.

Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow. It is commonly used for pain management, but can also address a variety of other health concerns such as digestive issues and insomnia.

Energy healing works with the body's natural energy system to remove blockages and restore balance. This can be done through various techniques such as chakra balancing or aura cleansing.

Sound Therapy uses vibrations and frequencies from instruments like singing bowls or tuning forks to promote relaxation and healing. It can also be combined with meditation for a deeper experience.

Meditation involves training the mind to achieve a state of calm and clarity. It has been shown to improve focus, reduce anxiety, and increase overall well-being.

Yoga combines physical postures with breathing exercises and meditation to promote strength, flexibility, and relaxation. It is often used as a holistic approach to improving both physical and mental health.

Tai chi is a Chinese martial art that focuses on slow, gentle movements in coordination with deep breathing. It has been linked to improvements in balance, flexibility, and stress reduction.

And there are many more.

These modalities are not only beneficial for physical health but also for mental well-being. They can help individuals cope with daily stressors and find inner peace and balance.

Tune In Our Podcast

If you’re walking this path, know that you’re not alone. Your journey, though difficult, is valid and filled with potential for growth and transformation. By exploring alternative healing practices and connecting with others who share similar experiences, you can find a new sense of purpose and joy in life beyond parenthood.

For more stories, expert guidance, spiritual insights, and support, listen to the Womben Collective podcast. Join us as we explore these journeys together, bridging the gap between profound experiences and spirituality. Let’s find healing and wisdom as a community.


Daisy May Reyes is a spiritual guide dedicated to helping women heal from the deep emotional wounds of pregnancy loss, miscarriage, and infertility. Drawing from her own transformative experiences, Daisy empowers women to release pain, find peace, and connect with their spirit babies. As the host of the WOMBen Collective™ podcast, she provides a compassionate space for women to explore their journeys and gain spiritual insights. Daisy's mission is to guide women toward healing, self-discovery, and a renewed sense of purpose. When she's not working, she delights in nature walks, powerlifting, and spending time with her family.